Thursday, August 11, 2011

ACTRFS Guises Creek Brigade AGM & HR Burn

Like many of our ACTRFS brigades at this time of year, the Guises Creek Brigade held their AGM on Wednesday night. 

Bob Moore, re-elected President of the Brigade chairs the meeting with the assistance of Pauline Wassall . Many thanks to Bob and Pauline!

Dave Wassall, re-elected Captain of the Brigade, gave a summary of the last years incidents and events.  He also recapped all of the achievements of the Brigade members over the 2010-11 Bushfire season.

Mary Cunynghame takes over the all paperwork from Pauline Wassall as the newly elected Secretary. Many thanks to Pauline for her sterling efforts as Secretary last year!

Guises Creek Members attending the Annual General Meeting held on Wed 9 Aug 2011.

Michael Joyce thanks Brigade members for their contribution for the last year, and gives us the ‘heads up’ about the new fire season and changes to SOPs which will most likely result in GCRK members being tasked to fires within the abatement zone.

Members and ACT HQ staff mingle after the AGM.

Guises Creek have been busy and also completed a HR burn on Saturday 6 August on the property next to Rob Roy.

Guises Creek members assemble for a pre-HR burn briefing next to the Monaro highway.

The ground was fairly wet underneath and it crept very slowly burning the dry top materials. Lots of mice scurried off.

Once the fenceline was wet down the burn continued very slowly.

Cameron Blaseotto kept a watchful eye on the fire as it crept towards GCK11.


Dave Wassall supervises the test burn amongst the thistles.

Simon Hickey, Mary Kirkwood and Brendan Bruce looking a bit grubby after the burn, which was called off due to the onslaught of rain.

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