Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Cost Of These Camera

The cost of these camera
The cost of these camera

Facebook Uzaiiiii~

Kutip benda2 ni kat site tadi. XD

Halooo. nampak gaya malam ni ak tak tidog. tadi ak dah beli 2 botoi redbull. wahaha. and snacks nak makan2 sambei wat keja. kali ni poster ak tak print. ak lukih, color, & lekat2. hihi. alah 5% ja. eksperimen sikit. oh ya. fb tukag layout? huahuhauaha ak tak berapa suka.

wth? wth?? facebook. fyi ak tamau tau pasai aktiviti org lain, and ak tamo org taw setiap benda yang ak buat kat fb. hishh. rasa mcm kena stalk.

Maa maa. apa2 jela. bosan toi fesbuk. sebab tu skang ak dah tak bnyk dok kat fesbuk. ak ada tempat lain yg lagi secure untuk aktiviti ninja ak. wahahaha. shh. osh. k la. nk sambung wat keja. maybe ak start ngn model kot. poster pukoi 10 stgi XD suka betoi keja under pressure huh? jya. 

Amek gambag ni smalam time beli material utk model. smart. XD

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bemu: Silver Hair! BIRTH.

Dalam gambag ni kame nampak lain gila hahaha XD 

kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! ajdaskjfhdsjfkhda bemu~!!! (c) on pic

ussooooooo~~~ apa telah terjadi -dead- (c) on pic

Pagi ni bangun2 terkejut beruk ak tengok bemu. buahahahahahah ak tak expect rambut dia kaler silver!!! ak cam 'eh? eh? ehhhhhhhhhhhh kame?? maji'suka!?'  pastu ak mati tergolek. hot hot hot hot. KAT-TUN akan nyanyi lagu tema drama ni "BIRTH" tajuk dia. yosh!

Buahahahha! steph lukis. uepi tarik rambut kame sampai botak! 
cool drawing! haha!!! (c) steph

Osh k lah. ak nk p masak. arini turn ak. lupa lak nk habag. sem ni ak masak setiap ari rabu. haha XD semalam ak mimpi apa ak masak arini. nasik hujan panaih lauk kurma ayam. apakah. lawak siot. hahagh. oh ya. abah hantag gambag ipan hembus lilin. mama cakap ipan pilih kek coklat. 

Awwwww hepi birthday irfan! miss you. :(

P/S: Arini ak ingat nak skip lecture wat asssignment, tp bila pikiag balik, kalo damien bg taw pasai assignment 3 punya format,, huhuhauahua ak tamo miss. ok2 ak p lecture. yoshi. mata ne.  

Happy Birthday Irfan!!!!! XD

huahuhauahua dah bapa taun dah budak kecik ni? 6 taun!!! 
dah besag! happy birthdayyyyy~! love youuuu~~

ipan waktu baby. pipi mengelebeh wakaka. 

Mama mms gambag ni kat ak. abah busy sungguh dengan ikan baru dia. haha XD

Koki @ Tokio Cons『OVER / PLUS』

Koki kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! kakkoi! XD

Halo blog-chan. ak tengah wat assignment. rehat sat. ptg td ak tengok clip cons performance nanana (taiyou nante irane). koki jadi guest. alkjfalkfjaslk cool gila perf ni. meremang bulu roma tengok. tbh ak nangeh. hahaha. ak tataw pasepa. jgn tanya. awesome gila. 

Tengah2 performance tu, nagase bisik something kat koki.  

Pastu koki rap untuk lagu ni alfkjldsafjsakfjasklf GILA KAKKOI

Nagase suruh semua orang nyanyi sekali part "nanana" 
Huahuhua teringat drama my boss my hero. koki blakon ngn nagase. koki jadi kazuya. 8D sfddasfasfdhgjk (aween, diam boleh?) haha nama kazuya tu sensetip sikit. kamenashi kazuya. lkjfdslgkdsjfskl ok ok dah. -__- eniway. k lah.nk sambung wat keja. MBMH screencap XD 


Freestyle Heros?

I got down to Punta early doors yesterday morning, to catch low-tide and try out my new North Heros and Fanatic Skate 100 before anyone else arrived. I´ve struggled to enlist anybody to do photos or video of my new kit up until now so decided to try and video myself.... I wedged my camcorder in the rocks upwind of the flat water section on the inside and tried to guess more or less where I´d be coming in, set it rolling and hoped for the best. Conditions were fantastic- superflat water on the inside (it´s about a foot deep where I´m sailing there) and perfectly powered up on my new 5.3. The sails are really light in the hands yet much more powerful bottom-end to get me up and running, I think I´m going to enjoy these babies this year.
I videoed for 40 minutes then the battery ran out, but I managed to get a few things on there (note: I may have new kit, but I don´t have new tricks, haha)- check out the suicidal snorkellers in the footage; 25 miles of unspoilt coastline along the northshore and they decide the only place to catch octopus is exactly where the one, lone windsurfer is. Funnily enough, they decided to try their luck further downwind after I´d slalomed through them a couple of times....
When I finished with the video camera, I changed boards to my 93 Twin and had an epic sail in the waves. Great for jumping, I landed some nice backies which is good after a pretty bad summer patch where I seemed to have lost most of my jumps, and nice for riding, too, got my takas dialled again- wicked. All in all, a good solid day´s sailing, 4 hours in the water, no injuries and some nice stunts in the bag- mustn´t grumble.
Anyway, here´s the best of the footage I got, enjoy, and check out the swimmers- crazy!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Canon's Exceptional XL H1.

Canon's exceptional XL H1.
Canon's exceptional XL H1.

Ueda. I Salute You. Kokame Dream.

Not bad what? nmpak bad boy woot. XD rambut uepi drama baru dia "Runaway~ Aisuru Kimi no Tame ni~" [more info] (c) on pic

Arini mood ak baik! semalam ak mimpi kokame asdlfkajfkasjfkla XD ak mimpi ak p jepun tengok DBS. mama pon ada dalam mimpi ni. pelik. haha. ak jumpak gala, gloria ngn lain2. huahuahuah ak duduk kat front row. time interval break (?) koki n kame panggei ak naik ataih pentas.

Rambut koki macam ni.. latest.

Depa cakap depa nk makan ice cream. gaya koki cakap mcm sengih2 *ak ada feeling mcm dia sengaja nk buli ak* ak pon teruih p beli kat kedai. nervous gak. artist suruh beli ice cream! hahaha. pastu ak mai balik. tetiba ice cream tu terjatuh, sbb ak bawak bnyk sangat barang. huhu. 

Ak p kat pentas ak tunjuk kat depa ice cream tu dah kotog. D: pastu kokame gelak kaw2 kat ak!!! depa cam "woooh ang beli betoi2?!" tp time tu ak cam dah OTL punya mood ak balas lebih kurang cam "ya la. dah mpa malaih sgt -__-" pastu pastu koki suruh p beli lagi skali.

Sebelum p beli ak tnya depa "vanilla flavour kan" kame cakap "yup, vanilla" pastu dia tengok koki. koki pon "yap2 vanilla" pastu ak tersengih.. omaigod ak siyesssssss tersengih dalam mimpi tu. hahahaha ak rasa mesti ak tersenyum time tidog kan. hahagh. 

Vanilla ice cream ok.

Sebelum blah ak cakap kat depa "hampa ni mmg kokame noh... hahaha" pastu depa mcm dok sengih2. askfdasjfdskfjaslkfjalk. best siot mimpi. haha. td ak p coles. beli stok makanan, sabun basuh baju & ayag mineral. ayag paip umah kami ada kaler O__O ak dah ikot jejak langkah nas.

Letak dalam bilik XD 10L for 3.45aud ja. 

Lunch arini~! nyum333

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Recruits HR burn at Jerrabomberra Ave

Our latest batch of new recruits are being put through the paces today in the final part of their Basic Firefighter course. They are carrying out a hazard reduction burn on Jerrabomberra Ave under the watchful eyes of Pat Barling, Rob Gore, Dave Wassall and Andrew Joyce.

Deputy Chief Officer Michael Joyce was on hand to capture a few photos of the recruits as they went about their work.

Canon XL2 MiniDV Camcorder

Canon XL2 MiniDV Camcorder
Canon XL2 MiniDV Camcorder

Bemu Promo CM

asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfgh kitaaaaaa~ bemu punya CM dh kuag! (c) kzy223

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ouran. TVD. Kame Radio.

Time ni langit cantik sangat. :D

Hello blog-chan. sori aritu emo. orz. pms kali ni melampau gilo. sbb ak mcm dh malas nak hidup. meaning. ak pikiag nak mati. astaghfirullah. maybe stress ngan assignment (+expectation) gak kot. ak dah ok skang. semalam ak tidog 14 jam. 8D hari sebelum tu ak tak tidog langsung. 

Ak rasa ak kena cakap dgn psychiatrist. D: buhahahhahaha nanchatte!! tipu ja. arini ak dapat parcel dari malaysia. mama & abah antag 4 kuih raya and 2 baju raya. kaler hitam & orange. tengkiuuu! 

Parcel ak kena bukak for inspection. selalunya kalau ada makanan depa memang check. :) kuih raya ak passed. 

Kuih raya semua sedappp!!!! osh tukag topic. ak termiss ouran semalam!!! huwaaaaa balik2 uni pukoi 8 tu, ak download TVD episode 1 season 3. asdfghjklkjhgfds nnt ak flail kat post lain. dalam pukoi 10 cemtu ak tidog. bangun2 dah pukoi 7 pg. D: WHAT. noo! my ouran! 

honey & kyouya dok flirt alkfjalfjalkfdjasl (c) cookiesmon

Ak check hp, hoh! kame punya ks by ks nak habeh dah? rasa mcm mimpi ja. bad dream!!! sebab time tu ak penat lagi, ak pon sambung tidog. bangun2 dah pukoi 12. WHAT!?! bangun2 check hp lg skali, eh?! kame ada radio show baru?! hahahahahahaah. apakah, kame. TROLL.

kokame 'WTH' hahahah. 
kame gif (c) chachamaruko. koki gif (c) reiki-kamisama.

KAT-TUN 亀梨和也の HANG OUT. start 1/10, 10.20pg @ Nack5. woot pagi2 sabtu. nicee~ (source)

Osh k la. arini ak tamo wat assignment nk enjoy ja. muahahaha. tengok drama/anime. ak punya schedule arini agak padat gak. ak nk tengok no.6 episode last pastu p flail ngn chris. pastu nk tengok vampire diaries lagi, flail kat blog, tgk ouran ep 9 and ninja. :D jya ne. 

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH kokame bird. scary gila! haha koki pic (c) reiki-kamisama. kame (c) unknown. tell me if it's urs. :)
P/S: lagu kat playlist skang when i come around - green day XD shiteru? ak dulu peminat hardcore greenday, muse, etc2. time tu zaman skolah. teringat lagi ak ada seludup cd greenday from yasir. skali kantoi. sbb aritu ada spotcheck!!!! hahahaha cd yasir kena rampaih. ak beli cd greenday baru bagi kat dia. XD hahahaha. rindu zaman skolah. gila jugak ekceli.

One-chip Video Camera

One-chip Video Camera
One-chip Video Camera