I got down to Punta early doors yesterday morning, to catch low-tide and try out my new North Heros and Fanatic Skate 100 before anyone else arrived. I´ve struggled to enlist anybody to do photos or video of my new kit up until now so decided to try and video myself.... I wedged my camcorder in the rocks upwind of the flat water section on the inside and tried to guess more or less where I´d be coming in, set it rolling and hoped for the best. Conditions were fantastic- superflat water on the inside (it´s about a foot deep where I´m sailing there) and perfectly powered up on my new 5.3. The sails are really light in the hands yet much more powerful bottom-end to get me up and running, I think I´m going to enjoy these babies this year.
I videoed for 40 minutes then the battery ran out, but I managed to get a few things on there (note: I may have new kit, but I
don´t have new tricks, haha)- check out the suicidal snorkellers in the footage; 25 miles of unspoilt coastline along the northshore and they decide the only place to catch octopus is exactly where the one, lone windsurfer is. Funnily enough, they decided to try their luck further downwind after I´d slalomed through them a couple of times....
When I finished with the video camera, I changed boards to my 93 Twin and had an epic sail in the waves. Great for jumping, I landed some nice backies which is good after a pretty bad summer patch where I seemed to have lost most of my jumps, and nice for riding, too, got my takas dialled again- wicked. All in all, a good solid day´s sailing, 4 hours in the water, no injuries and some nice stunts in the bag- mustn´t grumble.
Anyway, here´s the best of the footage I got, enjoy, and check out the swimmers- crazy!!!!